It’s 9 o’ clock pm. Tara has been in a serious relationship for over a year. One night, she decides to take a train to escape the harsh reality of her break up. She has no destination in mind, she just needs to get away. So, she decides to take the first train leaving the station.
Sarah, is a recent high school graduate. She is going out of town with her family to celebrate her recent achievement. Sarah enjoys the thought of the trip but she feels like something is missing. Sarah and her family decides to take the 9 o’ clock train to Cincinnati.
To their shock, their paths cross again.
“Wow! It has been a long time since I last saw you!” Tara shrieks.
“I know!” Sarah exclaims.
The two ladies hug. They haven’t seen each other in over 4 years. Sarah and Tara went to middle school together. Sarah was an honor student in middle school, while Tara preferred to enjoy her middle school years. They were good friends back then – except Sarah’s family didn't approve of their friendship.
“So, what have you been up to?” Tara asks.
“I just graduated high school and I’m on a trip with my family. How about you?” Sarah responds.
“I just got out of a relationship and I decided to get away.” Tara explains.
“I understand. Do you want to talk about it?” Sarah asks.
The two talk about Sarah’s recent accomplishment and Tara’s failed relationship. Sarah tells Tara how she plans on going to college to get her Bachelor’s degree in Education and in return, Tara tells Sarah how her relationship ended. Basically, the two wanted different things. Their conversation is rudely interrupted by Sarah’s parents.
“Tara, could you please come with us.” Sarah’s mom demands without acknowledging Tara.
“I’m talking with my friend mom.” Sarah protests.
Even after much of Sarah’s protest, Sarah decides to go with her parents. Sarah and Tara hug and whisper to each other, “See you around.”
Tara’s in disbelief after seeing Sarah. Sarah, was Tara’s crush in middle school for 3 years. Though, she kept it to herself. Tara didn't want to hurt their friendship by telling her and she already knew that Sarah’s parents didn't approve of her.
“I can’t believe it. Wow! That was Sarah.” Tara says in disbelief and then goes to her passenger cart.
Sarah’s parents are very religious with high standards. They've raised Sarah to do well in school and in life, and they have kept her away from anyone who doesn't fit their standards. And Tara doesn't fit their standards – never has and never will.
While Tara goes to sleep for the night, Sarah enjoys the festivities that her family has planned for her. Her parents plan a little game night for Sarah and her little sister, Kim. They play some Trivia Pursuit and Clue.
Sarah has a hard time focusing during game night – she’s thinking about Tara and what she is doing. It seems, Sarah had a crush on Tara in middle school as well.
As soon as her family’s game night ends, Sarah decides to go to Tara’s passenger cart. Tara is still sleeping so Sarah decides to go her cart and call it a night.
The next morning, Tara and Sarah run into each other for breakfast. They don’t say much to each other with Sarah’s parents around. They both wave at each other and exchange smiles. Even though Sarah’s parents make it their mission to keep the two apart, Sarah and Tara manage to pass quick glances at each other.
Midday, the two finally manage to see each other. They reminisce about the good memories they shared in middle school.
“Do you remember that day we ran away from home?” Sarah asks.
“Yes, we got tired of your parents trying to keep us apart so we decided to leave home.” Tara responds and they both laugh.
“Yes, I remember. We had to go back home though because we didn't have any money.” Sarah continues.
“Would you do it again?” Tara asks.
“Do what again?” Sarah responds.
“Run away with me.” Tara explains.
“Anytime.” Sarah replies.
They both smile and stare at each other.
It doesn't take long for Sarah’s parents to come look for her. When they find her, they pull Sarah away from Tara.
“Please stay away from our daughter. We’re trying to have a family trip.” Sarah’s mom tells Tara.
Tara just nods and winks at Sarah in defiance.
“Sarah, we’re having dinner in an hour. Please be ready.” Sarah’s mom tells Sarah.
Sarah leaves with her parents while Tara stays at the back of the train admiring the scenery.
Tara thoughts lead her back to the day when Sarah and her went to the park and shared a picnic dinner –
“We should sit here.” Tara suggested.
“Okay. Do you have the blanket?” Sarah asked.
“Yes, here it is.” Tara said as she laid the blanket on the ground for both of them to share.
“I really enjoy hanging out with you.” Sarah said.
“I really enjoy hanging out with you too.” Tara agreed.
Tara smiles at the memory. It was the first picnic she’d ever had. She was glad that she got to share it with Sarah.
Tara didn't have many friends growing up – especially during middle school. It didn't help when rumors came out about her being gay. Sarah was the first real friend that she had. Despite Tara being teased and public ostracized, Sarah continued being Tara’s friend. Sarah didn't care what everyone else thought, all she saw was a nice girl with a kind heart. Tara appreciated that.
Sarah’s dressed and ready to have dinner with her family. She wears a pretty sequined black dress. The family wants to have a formal dinner. Kim, Tara’s little sister, wears a pretty blue dress while her parents wear a color coordinating gown and tux. The family enjoys a nice, fancy feast. They talk amongst each other while they eat. Sarah does her best to enjoy the moment. She spends most of it correcting her little sister on her table manners.
After dinner, Sarah discreetly fixes a plate for Tara. She had noticed that Tara didn't eat much for breakfast. She manages to get away from her family and goes to Tara’s passenger car. Tara is happy to see Sarah.
“Here you go, Tara.” Sarah says while handing Tara the plate. “I just thought that you could use something to eat.”
“Thank you.” Tara says. “Would you like to come in?”
“I would love to but my family will be looking for me soon.” Sarah explains.
“Okay. Well, thank you for the plate. Enjoy your night.” Tara says. “And oh, you look really beautiful. That black dress looks gorgeous on you.” Tara adds.
“Thank you.” Sarah replies. She then politely kisses Tara on the cheek.
They both smile and tell each other good night. Sarah goes back to her family.
Tara looks at the plate of food and contemplates whether to eat it or not. After years of being bullied and teased, Tara suffers with anorexia. Tara finally decides to eat the food because she doesn't want to seem ungrateful.
Meanwhile, Sarah continues to spend time with her family. She hopes that Tara ate the plate of food she made for her. The family continues to mingle with other high society families while Sarah’s parents continuously brag about their smart and wonderful daughter. Sarah just smiles.
After finishing her plate of food, Tara writes Sarah a note to thank her. She then leaves the note in Sarah’s passenger cart.
Sarah, exhausted after a night of entertaining, goes to her passenger cart and finds Tara’s note on the floor. She reads it.
The note says, “Thank you so much for the plate of food. I just wanted you to know that I ate it all and it was delicious. And if you’re not too tired, I would love to see you tonight. Please wear that beautiful black dress that I saw you in earlier today. With love, Tara.”
Sarah smiles. She is so happy that Tara ate the plate of food she made for her and that Tara wrote her a thank you note. Thankfully, Sarah still has her dress on. She goes to meet Tara.
Tara waits patiently on Sarah in her tuxedo. She surprises Sarah with a dance. The two dance to their favorite song, Boyce Avenue “Find Me”. And for that moment, everything is perfect.
The song ends.
“I love you.” Tara declares.
“I love you too.” Sarah replies.
The two kiss, and then head back to Tara’s room. They watch a movie together, and then call it a night.
“Thank you. I had a wonderful time.” Sarah gushes.
“You’re welcome. I had a great time as well.” Tara smiles.
And they kiss again.
During the train ride, the two spend as much time as they can together – mainly when Sarah’s parents aren't around. They’ll watch movies together and meet at the back of the train to look at the scenery. They’ll even read a couple books together and play a few board games.
“I wish this ride would never end.” Sarah says.
“Me neither.” Tara replies.
It isn't until the train is close to its destination, that the two take their relationship to the next level. Tara has everything planned and ready. Rose petals on the floor and a nice bubble bath prepared for them both. Sarah arrives and things go according to her plan. After they share a bubble bath filled with laughter together, the two make passionate love on the bed. Birdy “Wings” plays in the background. Time seems to stop and nothing matters. Every kiss and every moment is full of bliss. It seems that nothing can keep them apart. The two spend the night together.
The next morning, Sarah’s parents find Sarah in Tara’s room. They drag Sarah out of the room and scold her – Sarah is to never see Tara again. They keep Sarah under a watchful eye the rest of the trip. She doesn't see Tara again until the train make it to its destination. Even then, Sarah’s parents keep her away from Tara. Sarah couldn't even wave or say bye. The two lock eyes and then go their separate ways.
Inspired by a dream that I had on 4/28/14.
Written and typed on 4/29/14.
By LaTasha B.